Professor Amr M. Baz





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ISR-affiliated Professor Steven Gabriel (CEE) recently gave two talks on network equilibrium problems with a focus on energy. The first presentation was part of ISR?s IAI Colliquia Series on Feb. 6. The second venue was at Auburn University?s Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering on Feb. 13.

His presentation, ?Network Equilibrium Models with a Focus on Energy,? focused on complementarity problems, a class of equilibrium problems generalizing optimization, game theory, and other engineering-economic systems. Gabriel gave an overview of the relationship between complementarity and optimization and specialized his talk to examples in energy markets. He concluded with an example of recent work in natural gas markets with the French national energy company Electricité de France (EDF).

Related Articles:
Gabriel to moderate DOE workshop Sept. 4
Steven Gabriel receives Humboldt Research Award
Gabriel named to two associate editor positions
Gabriel, students give presentations on U.S. natural gas exports
Steve Gabriel Lead Author of New Book

February 22, 2013

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