Professor Amr M. Baz





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Clark School Dean Darryll Pines.

Clark School Dean Darryll Pines.


Clark School Dean Darryll Pines has been elected to serve on the Engineering Deans Council (EDC) Executive Board.

The EDC is one of the leadership organizations of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), a non-profit organization which brings together engineering educators from all of the engineering and engineering technology fields to collaborate on solutions to promote excellence in instruction, research, public service, and practice.

The EDC sponsors an annual colloquium to review public policy issues that affect engineering education and encourages engineering deans to communicate with their congressional delegations regarding these issues. The public policy issues range from economic development and the engineering workforce, to support of federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health and the Department of Defense. The council also supports a yearly dean's institute that focuses on issues such as curriculum development, enrollment and retention, diversity, faculty collaboration with industry and the globalization of engineering education.

April 4, 2011

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