Professor Amr M. Baz





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CEE's Dr. Lewis E. Link, Senior Research Engineer and Project Management's Senior Fellow, was asked by the government of the Netherlands to participate as a member of the International Advisory Commission Deltamodel. Dr. Link has accepted the invitation. The commission (members listed below) will advise the Dutch on their plans for coping with sea level rise and climate change with respect to their riverine and coastal flood risk reduction efforts.

Commission Members:

Professor Sybe Schaap (Chair):

Chair in Water Governance, University of Delft, Member of the Senate of the Dutch Parliament.

Professor R. J. Nicholls:

PRofessor of Coastal Engineering and Deputy Head of School (Research), Co-Director Centre for Coastal Processes, Engineering and Management, School of Civil Engineering and the Environment, Univerist of Southampton, UK.

Professor Axel Bronstert:

Professor for Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Department of Geo-Ecology, Chair of Hydrology and Climatology, Pottsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Pottsdam, GE.

Professor Claudia Pahl-Wostl:

Professor for the Management of Resource Flows, Institute of Environmental SystemsResearch, University of Osnabruck, GE.

Dr. Lewis E. Link:

Research Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland. Director Interagency Performance Evaluation Task Force (New Orleans)

For more information. please click here

July 21, 2010

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