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Dr. Gerry Galloway

Dr. Gerry Galloway


Civil and Environmental Engineering Department?s Dr. Gerry Galloway was recently featured as an expert in Minnesota Public Radio?s (MPR) podcast about flooding in the area. The ?Midmorning with Kerri Miller? show was broadcast on Monday, March 30, 2009. Other panelists joining the discussion were Tom Robertson, an MPR reporter covering the flood, Craig Edwards, an MPR meteorologist, and John Fryklund, partner at Flood Control America.

The podcast covered updates on the Red River flooding in the Fargo, North Dakota and Moorhead, Minnesota area. The river, at that point, was down below 40 feet and bad weather moving in. The show also addressed questions from listeners including ? how farming practices may have contributed to frequent floods, the latest in anti-flooding technologies, what engineers have learnt about flooding from other parts of the country, and how they are preparing for flooding global warming may bring.

Here is a link to the original podcast.

April 1, 2009

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